How can you run a corporate meeting online?

Make your corporate meeting virtual
Has 2020 shaken up the way you run your business? As states continue to close down and social distancing takes center stage for business models, how do you keep moving forward? The good news is, running a successful virtual corporate event can be effortless and successful if you have the right equipment and experts on your team. You have a few options for your corporate event. Your event can be hosted as a hybrid event, pre-recorded event, or live stream event. Each of these options requires similar equipment, but offer varying outcomes.
Which virtual event type is right for me?
A hybrid event is perfect for having both in-person and virtual components. This model works well when you have guest speakers or other members of your business that need to be included in the video. Another popular option is to pre-record your event and stream it as though it were live. This option allows for better production value and less chance of technical difficulties. We all know that awkward moment when your technology malfunctions or you accidentally say something embarrassing while live. A pre-recorded video gives the appearance of being live while allowing you the time and focus to concentrate on moderating comments, interacting with attendees, and addressing anything else that might come up. Your third option is to live stream your event, and this will take a little more effort and precaution.
What equipment do I need for my virtual event?
While your event might have virtual components, you still want a high-quality production value. The experts at In Depth Events can help you determine what you need for your virtual corporate event, but here are some ideas to get you started;
If you happen to rent out a space for your event, they might not have the proper equipment for you to live-stream. Our team can help build out a stage, set up your lighting, perfect your audio, and record your event. While it is a virtual event, we are still offering the same services and following the right guidelines and procedures for safety. We have a full range of virtual event services we can offer your business. Find out more about corporate meetings here. (link to coproate meetings page)
How do I get started?
Whether you need support for planning, production, or equipment rentals- we are here to help. Your next step is to reach out to our team today to answer any questions and get started on planning. We will continue to keep an eye on the changes in social distancing, the state re-opening, and any other changes we might face. We pride ourselves in moving with the changes and finding creative solutions to support them. We want to hear from you, what changes are you facing, and how can we help?
We are strictly adhering to CDC guidelines to ensure we offer safe and sanitary equipment, service, and guidance.