What do we offer?

Stage set up by our team
Need labor services for your next event? In Depth Events is a full-service event production company. Since we are based in Texas, we have a lot of companies that come in to do events in our area from all over the United States. When needed, we are happy to provide stagehand labor to clients who are shipping equipment to our area. Because we offer full production services, we can also act as a labor firm that can provide you with professional and passionate stagehands. Above all else, our team operates on the principles of integrity and transparency (so you can count on us).
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Why should you use us for Stagehand Labor?
Finding qualified stagehands can be a difficult process. At In Depth Events, we carefully interview, select, and train stagehands to be valuable members of a crew. After working at In Depth Events, our people have become successful touring hands, engineers, and riggers in their own right. We pride ourselves on finding talented, motivated people interested in becoming 1099 subcontractors in our industry.
Texas stagehands work in extreme weather, heat, and cold at outdoor events that are difficult for people that don’t usually work in this area. Because we own so much of our staging and outdoor rooftops, we train our team to handle heavy equipment for real events. For us, working in an air-conditioned, indoor ballroom is a vacation.
You’ll find In Depth Events stagehands to be well-trained, on time, and professional. We dress appropriately to the gig and bring the appropriate PPE to every show. If you need real hands that genuinely understand the meaning of “The show must go on,” then contact us today!
About In Depth Events
In Depth Events is a full production company that provides stagehands for any event, no matter the size or project. Our owners have been in the industry for over 25 years. They have instilled timeliness, professionalism, and passion into all of their stagehands. We would love to show you why people use our labor services over and over again.
For more information about our services or to get a quote, please visit our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you!